Really sucks I wanted to get out of Houston badly.. Even though I do love some parts of it, I just don't laugh everyday like I use to & I'm just really bored of it. Hopefully once I get an income I can save up quickly, go back home & work.. then move to MIAMI! It's been a dream to live there with my best friend (who lives in Tacoma/Seattle [where I'm from] ) GOD I miss him.. We talked for like an hour today & just laughed our asses off!
I also cleaned hardcore today and I'm going to write some things here so I don't forget to get them lol.
♥ Fuzzy Warm blanket.
♥ Candles
♥ Perfume
♥ Studio Fix, Bronzer, Carbon Eyeshadow (MAC)
♥ Hand sanatizer.. dont want swine flu ;)
♥ BIG SEXY hair spray.
♥ wine!
Well I'm off to eat a spinach salad & watch the new Law & Order SVU.